The Bridal Shower, NRI Wedding. Indian Matrimonial.
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Marriage Customs - The Bridal Shower

Bridal shower is a gift giving party for a would be bride and is intended to help the would be couple to set up their homes post marriage. The custom though being western is fast catching up in various traditional marriages and societies in India too in recent times. In the ceremony, the bridesmaid or a close friend invites guests to offer gifts to the young bride couple and guests are expected to bring something useful. Nowadays, the bridal shower is more like a theme party such as recipe shower, kitchen shower, spa shower etc.

The legend of Bridal Shower

The story goes that the lovely daughter of a wealthy and powerful Dutch man used to love a poor kind hearted man. When the young man asked for her hand in marriage, he was humiliated and the girl was also debarred from meeting him. Despite all the efforts of the father, the girl decided to marry the young man of her dreams and so was denied the family fortunes and wealth by her father. Seeing their plight, the entire town gathered and gifted the young couple some thing or the other to help them set up the base. Seeing this, the bride’s father was ashamed and he threw a lavish party where every one in the town was invited for thanks giving. He also decided to gift a beautiful house to the young couple and they lived happily thereafter.

Basic facts about bridal shower

It is a last chance for the bride to spend an extended amount of time with a close circuit of friends and acquaintances before marriage. It is a warm, welcome and relaxing day in the middle of as very busy transitional time phase where the bride and her family will be too busy making preparations for the D day.

Bridal showers are held at least two weeks in advance of the marriage day so as not to disturb and interfere the arrangements for the wedding day. Sometimes they are held as much as two months in advance so as to enjoy the relaxing atmosphere during the phase.

It is the responsibility of the maid of honour to throw the shower. However it is a well planned even and not a surprise party. Every thing has to be taken care of well in advances such as the schedule, the venue, the list of invitees, the recipes and menu, the theme, the gift guidelines, the return gifts etc. A well planned bridal shower is something which is a most memorable gift, which you can arrange for a very good friend of yours and remember she is going to remember that for the rest of her life.

As per practice, bridal showers are usually held on Sundays afternoons for the convenience of every body. Though you can also plan it on a Saturday or other holidays to go with the mood of the party.

Nowadays, bridal showers are also organized in restaurants to avoid the messy after effects of the party. The affair, though a bit more expensive is fast catching up amongst the urban elites and many a restaurant and pubs in fact specialize in organize such events. If you are planning on these lines, try to plan well in advance as the bookings sometimes run into months in advance.

In the event of bridal shower planned in a private home, you have to do a fair amount of planning like what food to organize and prepare, the menu and the works. Usually a traditional afternoon shower features a light lunch or a little heavy snacks, deserts and beverages. Make sure to include only soft drinks to avoid any messy behavior unless it is a very small gathering with only a close knit circle of friends invited.

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Indian Marriage Customs - The Bridal Shower

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